Holy Dinosaurs!

Susan landed in Oklahoma City around 11:40pm last night. Her flight went from Orlando to Dallas and then to OKC, bypassing the Hudson River.

Yesterday Mason brought home a permission slip for a public school field trip for next week. The slip says something about a dinosaur exhibit, and the bottom of the slip it says, “For more information check out CreationTruth.com … so I did.

Creation Truth (I misread that as “Creative Truth” for some reason …) has a tagline: “Leader of Biblical World View Development Beginning in Genesis.” The company was founded by Dr. Sharp, author of the three volume set of books, “Science According to Moses.” Per the page:

“America’s only hope, it was determined, was for the Bible believing public of our land to awaken to the reality of a true Biblical faith. Basic to this renewal is a return to all of realities of Biblical Creation. That is, if the God of sacred Scripture is our Creator, then He is our owner and because He is–only He can set the rules and we, His children, must obediently follow them, asking no questions.

Thus the need for a return to our Biblical foundation (Genesis 1-11) in complete faith and practice became overwhelmingly apparent. Accordingly, after much prayer and counseling with several leading pastors in America, many Christian parents, as well as myriad Christian professionals, Creation Truth Foundation, Inc., was birthed August 9, 1989.”

Here is more information about the actual museum:

“The Museum of Earth History is one of four attractions that support the Great Passion Play in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. The museum consist of 3,000 square feet of high-quality, scientific exhibits displayed in a totally biblical setting. Viewers will journey through three epic periods of ancient history often overlooked by modern historians: life before the fall, the post-fall world, and life after the devastating effects of the great Genesis Flood.”

I’m going to bite my tongue on this whole thing. The permission slip was signed and Mason will be going, but I still feel a little weird about it.

9 comments to Holy Dinosaurs!

  • Rodney Wallen

    This makes my dead relatives in Oklahoma graves spin a bit slower.

    Roots in Bartlesville

  • Mom

    Being truly educated means learning about all beliefs (even in 1st grade), and then deciding for yourself. He’ll ask you what you think, and then you have your say. But shielding him won’t work. Remember the Smith kids! And you just tell him there are a lot of lunatics and fanatics out there!

  • Amber

    I would let my first grade son go also. However, it is slightly weird.

  • AC720

    Maybe they’ll have Christmas trees in that museum!

  • shadow

    I let you go to bible class.

  • lethargic

    I saw some of those museum guys on Nightline one night. I would’ve burned the permission slip. Nothing wrong with learning religion, but when you’re being shown exhibits with dinosaurs wearing saddles so men can ride them because they’ve been domesticated, the only thing you’re being taught is that the Flintstones was real. haha

  • Stephanie Andraszek

    Hey Rob, this guy and his dinosaurs were at our church (CCY) this morning. He will be there tonight at 5:30 and then again Monday through Wednesday this week at 6:30 each night. He was interesting but wordy. Marty and I are still trying to wrap our brains around some of the stuff he had to say, and trying to figure out if and how it fits into the knowledge we have been taught all of our lives. Food for thought, if nothing else, I guess. So, if you want to hear him and his beliefs firsthand, he’s in the neighborhood this week!

  • le geek

    I probably would have bitten my tongue clean off…

  • Bill Maher interviewed the main guy for that place on Religulous. They believe that man walked with dinosaurs for one.

    I don’t see what taking kids to something like this has any place in public school, which is why I personally would object from sending my kid to it, just out of principle, not out of worry that they’re going to succeed in their brainwashing attempts, etc. What ever happened to letting the kids go to the Kilpatrick Center and have fun playing in the clear bubble things and watching the planetarium?


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