Wisdom Teeth

I already spilled the beans on Facebook yesterday, but Friday at 11am I am having all four of my wisdom teeth removed. That is going to RULE. SO. MUCH.

And by “rule” of course I mean “suck”.

7 comments to Wisdom Teeth

  • Wow, you still have ’em, eh? I had mine out when I was 17. I remember it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I had a cheeseburger from McDonald’s from dinner.

    I ended up having to have a twice-crowned, once root-canaled and VERY abscessed back molar pulled late last year. It sucked. It hurt and took 2 weeks to heal.

    So either, each experience is different or as long as it’s not infected, you’ll be fine. Your choice. Either way, yeah. It will suck. Good luck!

  • Stephen B

    I had mine out a couple of years ago. Number one rule – do not drink anything through a straw. Number two rule – right after you may be hungry – be very careful to not bite your tongue. Number three rule – try to not do any important (or potentially damaging) computer work while on the pain meds. I ended up stopping the pain meds and just took Advil a couple of days after I had them out.

    It took about two weeks for a full recovery (meaning I no longer noticed that I no longer had them while eating). The pain was gone for the most part 4-5 days after the surgery. I had mine out when I was 32.

  • Fraze

    I gotta tell you…I had all 4 of mine out last year (at age 37) and 1 was impacted (bottom right) and I was of the exact same opinion as you…this will SUCK. I made the mistake of reading wisdom teeth extraction stories on the net … don’t. I gotta tell you I was pleasantly suprised; first I couldnt BELIEVE that the surgery was under 20min. Secondly, and this will likely vary based on the individual and the surgeon, but I had almost no pain after the freezing wore off (I chose not to go under). I was given a 6 pack of T3’s and never used 1. All I would recommend is make sure you use that little syringe thing they’ll give you with the hooked end to “inject” water into holes where your teeth used to be, specifically after cosuming anything. That is very important!! My wife bought me that ensure stuff and frankly it was a good weight loss program for me, I lost about 10 pounds when I had mine out :)

  • Mom

    Fraze has it right on! First of all, nothing after the procedure is worse than the dread/tension while you’re waiting to have it done. That’s the funny thing about most pain. I’m sure you’ve had worse. It’s just something to get past. Second, no matter how silly it seems, do everything the surgeon tells you to do. It lessens the pain and speeds up the healing. You may be Superman in some people’s eyes (including mine and your own), but your body heals just like everyone else’s. So mind your doctor… and Susan! I’ll bet she takes good care of you if you let her!

  • Josh Risner

    Had mine done about 10 years ago. Remember counting backwards from 100. I don’t think I made it past 90. Woke up in a room I didn’t recognize. Yeah, it’s great!

  • Rob

    That just sounds like every Friday night back in college.

  • Linda

    I won’t go into the pain I had after mine, but I will say that they hurt me for years and I was happy not to have that pressure anymore. Plus, all the teeth I could never get floss between, moved over a bit and look straighter.


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