Massive Mini Update!

Massive Mini Update!

I had like a million little blog updates that I should have done over the weekend but didn’t get around to it, so here they are, all wrapped up into one big yummy blog entry.

Network Management

Friday was my day off, so I used that day to rip apart our home network and essentially start over. A couple of weeks ago I picked up a new computer that I’ve been wanting to use as a server, so all day Friday and part of Saturday I transfered everything from the old server to the new server, removed the old server, promoted the new server, moved a million programs around, jacked with DHCP and WINS for two days (thanks Justin), and did all other kinds of configuration crap that no one else will ever know or care about.

Database Project Finished!

I also worked on a big database project this weekend — again, another project that most people will never see. I used to keep track of all my software, music, and games in a big huge Access database. That database is accessable through an ASP web front end. I also keep duplicates of some of those files on my palm pilot, for when I’m out hunting — when you have thousands of albums and games, it gets hard to keep track of what one has! Problem is, Access works terrible on my palm pilot, but Excel works great. Excel isn’t a great backend for a web search engine. Thursday, Susan explained to me how you can link to Excel spreadsheets from inside Access, having them act essentially like Access tables. I then spent several hours dumping my old Access database into separate Excel files, creating links, and rewriting a dozen ASP web queries. Now I can copy the Excel files to my Palm phone and have them with me on the go, and still have them accessible via the web as well. Like I said, basically no one else will ever see the fruits of my labor, but it’ll make my life easier and it’s always fun to kill a few hours coding for fun.

Circus Time!

Saturday, my dad invited me, Susan, Mason and my neice Lexi to go to the circus. The kids had a really good time, although the 2 hour circus was about twice as long as their attention spans could handle. Mason had a great time and has been talking about the circus all weekend. We ducked out during an intermission and went to McDonald’s, where the kids wore themselves out playing on the playground. One funny anecdote: when we picked up Lexi from my mom’s house, were were told “oh by the way, she has diarrhea.” Even though there were no related accidents, we all agreed that information such as that should be escalated above the “oh by the way” range. :)


Sunday, Susan’s sister Becky called and told us she had some coupons for a free game of bowling, so Mason and I met Becky, her three kids and my mother-in-law up at the bowling alley. Mason had a great time bowling and got very excited every time he knocked a few pins down. With the bumpers up, Mason bowled a 68.

Hornets – Here to Stay?

A financial purchase this weekend from a group of local investors should keep the Hornets in Oklahoma City. I’m pretty excited about that. I’m going in on a block of tickets for next year’s season, so it looks like I’ll be seeing more of them in person!

Ok, I think that’s it. I’ll try and update more regularly next weekend.

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