Three Recent Car Conversations

In the past week I’ve had three people comment to me about my car. The third one was my favorite.

Number One:

Drive-Thru: Hey man, nice Subie. (Short for Subaru)
Me: Thanks! It’s a lot of fun.
Drive-Thru: I have a first gen, but I like the new ones.
Me: Yeah, the STI. I love it.
Drive-Thru: Cool man. Oh, here’s your change.

Number Two:

UPS Driver: Hey, is that your Works? (“Works”, slang for “WRX”
Me: Yup!
UPS Driver: Are you on OKSC?
Me: No, what’s that?
UPS Driver: It’s a forum for Oklahoma Subaru owners. Come check it out!
Me: I will, thanks!

Number Three (My Favorite):

(Dropping the kids off for daycare, a random kid walks by.)

Kid: OH! Mommy, mommy!
Mom: Yes?
Kid: Mommy, that’s from Need For Speed! That’s a RACE CAR!
Me: (Smiling) Yup!
Mom: Oh. Hmm.
Kid: Does fire come out of the back?
Me: Sometimes.

I winked at the kid and smiled.

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