The Bloodiest Adapter

Susan and I are currently teleworking from home multiple days a week. Susan works from home three days a week now. I’ve been approved for three days as well, but generally only do one or two. To get approved for this program, we had to sign a document stating that we have all the equipment we need at home to do our jobs. Work provides us a laptop, but you can’t sign up and then tell your boss that you don’t own a desk or a chair or that you don’t believe in paying for electricity. By signing up you… (read more)

YDKF Episode 121: Thrifting

This week’s episode of You Don’t Know Flack is all about thrifting — shopping at thrift stores, garage sales, antique malls and pawn shops. Throughout this episode I’ll tell you some of the best things I’ve found at these places along with some of the worst. I also talk a bit about what has replaced them (spoiler: online auctions). The You Don’t Know Flack Podcast now has its own official voice mailbox number. The number is 206-309-9501. If you have comments, feedback or suggestions in regards to the show and don’t feel like sending me an e-mail, call that number… (read more)

The Gun Show

This past weekend Dad and I attended a gun show at the local fairgrounds. I believe someone told me it was to be “one of the last gun shows”, but gun shows are always “one of the last gun shows” like furniture and mattress stores are always “going out of business”. The mattress store I pass on the way to work had been going out of business for ten years before it permanently closed its doors. The next day a new mattress store had taken its place. The price of guns like most anything is driven by supply and demand.… (read more)

YDKF Episode 120: Radio Scanners

Aaaaaaaaaaand the streak continues with another episode of You Don’t Know Flack. Episode 120 is about radio scanners, those little devices that allow you to eavesdrop on all the little conversations floating around us. In this episode I talk about my experiences with scanners and some of the things you can listen to with scanners. I also talk a little bit about how you can now listen to these frequencies using your computer and/or smartphone! Link: YDKF Episode 120: Radio Scanners Facebook: You Don’t Know Flack (Note: The 80 or so people who liked “You Don’t Know Flack” on Facebook… (read more)

UVB-76: The Buzz

Very few things creep me out more than mysterious radio signals. Seriously. I am looking over my shoulder as I type this. I even checked the closet before sitting down. People pick up all kinds of weird signals with radio scanners, but one that spooks me more than the others are random number stations. These are stations, presumably run by the government, for purposes unknown. It’s obvious they’re broadcasting something in code, but what the code is is anybody’s guess. One of the most famous stations has been dubbed “UVB-76,” also known as “the buzz”. 24 hours a day, the… (read more)

Quick Review: Something from Nothing – The Art of Rap

I was in fifth grade when rap music made its way to Oklahoma. Seemingly overnight I became less interested in Huey Lewis and Boy George and quickly obtained the soundtracks to Breakin’ and Beat Street, both on vinyl. I spent the greater part of that summer wrecking my knees and back in an attempt to learn how to spin my body around on sheets of cardboard while wearing parachute pants covered in zippers. By the time seventh grade rolled around I was listening to the Fat Boys, Run DMC, and the 2 Live Crew. I never switched over to exclusively… (read more)

YDKF Episode 119: Hohocon ’94

Another week, another episode. Episode 119 of You Don’t Know Flack is about Hohocon — specifically Hohocon ’94, the last Hohocon and the only one I attended. Hohocon was a hacker conference that ran for 5 years in a row, from 1990 to 1994. It was put on by dFx, the Cult of the Dead Cow, and Phrack Magazine. This was a tough episode to complete. During the time slot I set aside to record, my sister inconveniently and inconsiderately had a baby. Don’t you hate it when other people schedule things when you already have plans? Sheesh! All kidding… (read more)

Winner of the Cyberganked Contest!

And the winner of the Cyberganked contest is… …announced in the following video! Here are the Twitter accounts mentioned at the end of the video: @Commodork (Mine) @icecreamjonsey (Robb Sherwin’s) @Cyberganked (Updates about the game) Here is a link to Robb’s online photo gallery, where he is posting some of the pictures as he prepares them for the game: Again, thanks to everyone who mailed in pictures and entered the contest. Although the contest is over, if you would still like to submit pictures for Robb’s game, you can continue to e-mail them to me and I will make… (read more)

Last chance to e-mail me your photo, appear in a video game, and win some cash.

On Monday of this week I announced a contest in which all you had to do to enter was take a picture of yourself from either the waist up or the shoulders up and mail it to me for a chance to win fifty bucks. On Monday I had six people enter. On Tuesday I had three people enter. On Wednesday and Thursday I had 0 people enter. Ah, the short attention spans we have all SQUIRREL! Seriously though, today is the last day to submit your photo to me. Your photo will be used as a character’s photo in… (read more)

Appear in a video game and possibly win $50 by e-mailing me your picture!

My very good friend Robb Sherwin is working on a new computer game, titled Cyberganked. It’s a text adventure (er, Interactive Fiction) game that takes place a few years in the future. In his game, Robb wants to include pictures of random people, and that’s where we come in. Anyone who e-mails me a usable picture by midnight this coming Friday will be entered into a drawing to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card. Are you interested in having your picture appear in a computer game and possibly winning $50? If so, keep reading for details! I’ve talked about Interactive… (read more)


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