Shedeck Memories, Round II

Recently while walking through Mason’s school I saw a bunch of papers titled “Memories of Shedeck” hanging in the hallways. On each one, some of the older kids (fifth and sixth graders) had shared some of their memories of Shedeck Elementary. As you know, I also attended fifth and sixth grades at Shedeck Elementary. Last fall I dedicated an entire week’s worth of updates to Shedeck memories. However, if I was only given a single piece of paper on which to jot down some Shedeck memories, it would have looked like this: I remember … “Brian Olea jumping and diving… (read more)

Shedeck – Risks

Of all my Shedeck stories, this is one of my favorites. During fifth grade I became friends with Jason Lee, who was friends with Jeremy Smith. For a couple of years we were the best of friends. Mr. Hatcher used to commonly refer to us as “the three stooges.” Jeremy grew up in Sun Valley with me. In fifth grade Jason lived near Shedeck, but at some point (maybe during the summer between fifth and sixth grade) he moved to Sun Valley as well; in fact, his backyard was caddy-corner from my own (the creek ran between our yards, but… (read more)

Shedeck – Breakdancing

Neither of today’s stories have to do with that old portable building, but they’re both Shedeck-related and they’re two of my favorite stories from that era. The other one is a better story, but this one is such a strong memory that I wanted to post it as well. Throughout grade school (and especially elementary school) it was extremely rare for a student to lobby an idea and have it accepted by a teacher — so rare in fact that I can count the number of times it happened on one hand. For example, in ninth grade we were assigned… (read more)

Shedeck – Clowning Around

In sixth grade, the Yukon school district decided it would be better for all the elementary school nerds to mingle instead of doing whatever it was they were doing at their own schools. The third year in a row, my Gifted class moved. In fourth grade (while attending Myers), I attended Mrs. Leatherwood’s Gifted class there. In fifth grade I moved to Shedeck Elementary, as did Mrs. Leatherwood. I don’t know how they do it now (I’m sure I’ll find out soon enough), but back then Gifted consisted of two half-days during the week. I think at Shedeck we went… (read more)

Shedeck – Super Terc’s Comic Book

Also in fifth grade, we studied superheroes. We read about the history of superheroes and comic books and so on. I don’t remember spending a lot of time on the subject. Perhaps it was just a week or two. As part of this mini-course, each student created their own superhero. Mine was a patriotic fellow named “Terc” who turned into “Super Terc” from time to time. I have no idea where I got the name Terc from — it sounds suspiciously like “Herc”, Hercules nickname from the cartoon that I used to watch before school. Patrick’s superhero was a cross… (read more)

Shedeck – The Robot

When I was a kid, my mom bought me a book called “How to Build a Monster.” I probably still have it, somewhere. The book went through a list of monsters like “Bigfoot,” “Lock Ness Monster,” and “Giant Robot” and showed you how to build them. Now I gotta tell you, there were some definite leaps of faith contained within the pages of that book. I’m reminded of the old math joke, where the guy is writing a big formula on a blackboard and in the middle it says “then a miracle occurs” in between a couple of steps. I’ll… (read more)

Shedeck – Commercials/Presentations

One time in Mrs. Leatherwood’s second grade Gifted class, I had to create a commercial for a ficticious product. I invented Monster Marshmallows (“Marshmallows with a BITE!”) To create my marshmallows I bought a big bag of big marshmallows, dyed them with food coloring, and then created little accessories out of paper (eyes, horns, claws) to glue to them. The only problem with Monster Marshmallows was … they were delicious. By the time I was to perform my commercial, two-thirds of the monsters lie deep within my belly. At some point during my time at Shedeck Elementary, we received a… (read more)

Shedeck – Mrs. Leatherwood and the Mix Tape

One of our yearly Gifted rituals was “Independent Studies”. Independent Studies was the educational term for “pick something you’re interested and go learn about it.” These studies often lasted an entire nine-week period and culminated with some sort of big project and presentation (something that could be graded). My Shedeck Gifted teacher, Mrs. Leatherwood, had also been my Gifted teacher at my previous school as well. In fact, I’d had Mrs. Leatherwood for gifted since 2nd grade, so she’d had just about all the independent studies from me covering Bigfoot, UFOs, the Loch Ness Monster and the Bermuda Triangle that… (read more)

Shedeck – The Gift

In December of 1983, Mrs. Leatherwood organized a Christmastime “fantasy gift exchange.” It worked like most other gift exchanges do — everybody in class randomly picked the name of a fellow student and we were to give them a gift. The difference was, as this was a “fantasy” gift exchange, instead of buying the gifts we got to draw them on paper instead. The only limit to our gifts was our imagination. I can’t remember exactly who drew my name, but I specifically remember whose name I pulled: “Cammie Bruce”. In 1983 I was 1 of 3 fifth graders in… (read more)

Shedeck Memories

Starting this year, Mason is attending Open Door, a program at Shedeck that allows you to drop your kids off a little early and pick them up a little late. It costs money, but it costs less money than it costs Susan and I to drive separately to work, and Mason loves playing with his friends both before and after school so it’s a win all the way around. This blog entry, however, has very little to do with Open Door. Instead, it has to do with the room (portable building, actually) that Open Door takes place in. It is… (read more)


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