OKC Roller Derby: Skates, Breast Cancer, and Boobies

The last time I wrote about an Oklahoma City Roller Derby bout was on March 20th, a couple of days after attending their St. Patrick’s Day event. I posted the pictures I took online, wrote up a brief summary of the night’s events, shared the post on Facebook, and that was that. But the Internet is a funny thing, and while the family and I were away on vacation a couple of weeks ago, Brandi Garner (Charity Liaison for OCKRD) found my post and responded to it. Within a day or two several OKCRD skaters including Mya Oh Mya, Kitty… (read more)

Bye Bye, Beardie

I’d like to introduce you to a friend of mine. His name is beardie. A bit scraggly in this photo, I have been growing beardie for essentially this entire NBA season, from around Christmas time until, well, today. Here are some of the nice things my wife has said about beardie: “It’s itchy.” “You look like you’re homeless.” “You make too much money to look like that.” “There’s milk in your beard and it smells funny.” (That last one was from this morning.) With the NBA season now over I had run out of excuses, and this morning I did… (read more)

And the Thunder Rolls … Over.

Rarely can a person determine the outcome of a professional basketball game by a single shot, much less the first one. But in Game 5 of the NBA finals between the Oklahoma City Thunder and the Miami Heat, when LeBron James (as he has done before) waltzed through a crowd of defenders and threw down a monstrous dunk, I turned to Mason and said, “It’s over.” The score was 2-0, Miami. Of course we, the Thunder fans, had to endure two-and-a-half more hours of pummeling before facing the inevitable truth; at least this year, the Thunder had no answer to… (read more)

YDKF Episode 116: Mr. Moonpie

Episode 116 of You Don’t Know Flack is officially live. Episode 116 tells the tale of Mr. Moonpie. As I once said, if you don’t know the story behind Mr. Moonpie … consider yourself lucky. Link: YDKF Episode 116: Mr. Moonpie Flack and Mr. Moonpie: Blowin’ up Deathstars Tour 2012

OVGE 2012: The Recap

This weekend marked the 9th annual Oklahoma Video Game Expo (OVGE) in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I attended the first show in 2003 as a spectator, but have participated as a presenter (almost) every year since then. Along for the ride this year were my friends Robb and Steve, who I previously mentioned flew in from Colorado and New York (respectively) to attend the show. Robb Sherwin is, among other things, the author of the award winning interactive fiction game Cryptozookeeper. Steve and Robb have known each other since the BBS days. Photo by Brandon Staggs Since our local NBA team (the… (read more)

OVGE this Saturday in Tulsa

The 9th Annual (wow!) Oklahoma Video Game Expo (OVGE) will take place this Saturday in Tulsa, Oklahoma. As always, I and some friends will have a table set up and once again the entire hall will be filled with people buying, selling, and playing video games. At my table this year, I will be joined by two friends: award-winning Interactive Fiction author Robb “Ice Cream Jonsey” Sherwin, and the creator of the infamous remote controlled phone video, Steve “Aardvark” Davis. Additionally, I will be sharing a bit of table space with Charles “Ubikuberalles” Pearson, who will be showing off some… (read more)

The ol’ Cable Switcheroo

Last Fall when we moved into our new house, our cable provider offered us a free upgrade for four months. The free upgrade gave us essentially every channel package except for some of the movie channels — hardly an issue, as between Netflix, Redbox and other sources, I have more than a lifetime’s worth of movies at my disposal. The catch to this free gift is that the packages aren’t automatically cancelled at the end of the trial period. And for four months we watched them all, or as many of them as we could. We watched the Game Show… (read more)

Still Seasick

This is kind of weird but … at times, I still feel seasick. When I sit down or lie down or stand up, especially when I close my eyes, it still feels like I’m on the cruise ship. We’ve been off the ship for almost a week, so I’m not sure how long this lasts. For the first couple of days after we got off the ship, I felt it every single time I sat down. It has gotten better since then, but last night when I laid down for bed, I could swear I felt the bed slowly rocking… (read more)

Destination Alaska: Day 14 (The End)

Yesterday morning we woke up in a hotel in Chadron, Nebraska, around 6:30am. We packed our things into the minivan one last time and headed southish — destination, home. GPSes are funny little devices; according to ours, there’s no major highway between Chadron, Nebraska and Oklahoma City (or at least Salina, Kansas). For roughly seven hours we took two lane highways and back road main streets through a dozen towns, regularly alternating between 65mph and 20mph as we made our way through a dozen speed trap towns. We saw a dozen flea markets, thrift stores, and antique malls that, on… (read more)

Destination Alaska: Day 13 (Almost Done)

Today was Day 13 of our vacation. At the end of Day 14, we expect to be home and sleeping in our own beds. This is almost the end. Today consisted mostly of driving, with three stops of note. The first was at Ten Sleep, Wyoming. Ten Sleep, Wyoming has a posted population of 260. We stopped there for lunch because Susan, at the age of 10, visited the town during her stay at a Girl Scout Camp. We visited the same gift shop she had visited almost 30 years prior and had a round of ice cream shakes there.… (read more)


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