Celebrating Morgan

Morgan’s high school career is coming to an end. On Friday, she — along with Susan, myself, and several of our family members — attended her Senior Farewell Band Banquet. Sunday, we had Morgan’s (pre)graduation gathering here at the house.

The band banquet would not have been possible without Susan, who stepped in when asked to assist with planning the event and logistics, two of her strong points. Susan helped get items donated, plan parts of the event, and most importantly, wrangled up a bunch of volunteers to help with setting things up and breaking things down in a room where the air conditioner struggled to keep the temperature below 80 degrees.

At the banquet, many awards were handed out, slideshows were presented, and cake was eaten. Also during the ceremonies, departing seniors “willed” items to younger members of the high school band. A few years ago, Morgan was willed part of a trombone that had been run over and signed by every student who had inherited it (twelve, I believe), and that was one of the things she passed down. The funniest item we saw passed down was a huge (5′ tall?) stuffed teddy bear. That speech began with, “we found this on the side of the road one time…” Overall the event was very nice, and a great way for the graduating band members to say by to the band staff and their classmates, and vice versa.

Sunday morning I woke up around 5:30am and discovered Susan was already up and around, decorating the house for a party that started at 12:30pm. As she was hanging balloons, putting out table clothes, and arranging photographs, it was a little difficult to tell who was more excited about the party.

Several of Morgan’s school friends came over as did all of our family and many of our friends. This is the worst time of year to schedule a party and it was impossible to pick a date or time that didn’t fall on top of another event. Susan hosted a Girl Scout ceremony on Saturday which left Sunday — Mother’s Day — as the only possible date. Those who could make it did, and we certainly understood those who couldn’t. Conveniently for us, Morgan’s mother, Susan’s mother, and my mother were all present at the party, which allowed us to cover two birds with one cake.

Morgan has finals this week and graduation on Friday — unless it rains, in which case the outdoor event is being pushed back to Saturday in one of three potential time slots. Early this morning we were notified that if rain cancels both days, the event will be held in a smaller but indoor location — small enough that everyone will only be allowed three guests instead of ten. If you’ve seen the damage caused in Oklahoma recently by tornadoes and hail, just wait until a bunch of kids have to tell seven of their friends and relatives they are no longer invited to graduation!

It’s always nice for people to gather and offer congratulations for graduating high school, but for me this is a time where we not only look back, but where we look forward. Graduating high school is the beginning of the rest of your life. Here’s to doing something great with it!

1 comment to Celebrating Morgan

  • Artisian78

    Flack, that was quite a reflection about your daughter’s band farewell banquet.

    While I was in band in middle school, I was only active within my school’s orchestra. My orchestra teacher didn’t have a farewell orchestra dinner. But I do remember that was somewhat of a orchestra reception that was held during my senior year of high school.

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