E.T. and Me — Together Again!

As I mentioned last year, back at Myers Elementary I was classmates with Jerry Buffington. In 1982, Jerry’s step-dad Tom Wayne recorded and released the hit single “We Called Him E.T.” The single sold “thousands of copies” according to Wayne’s website. My sister and I owned two of them. I also owned an autographed 8×10 of Tom Wayne, which hung on my wall until the E.T. craze blew over.

Although the 8×10 has been since misplaced, I still have the autographed single “We Called Him E.T.” (printed on translucent red vinyl). Unfortunately third graders aren’t known for taking good care of their records, and mine definitely shows its age; it’s slightly warped and covered in scratches.

Fast forward to last year, when I discovered that Tom Wayne’s ode to E.T. had been released on CD! The CD comes with two songs: Wayne’s original “We Called Him E.T.” (which has been renamed to “E.T. and Me”) and a new song, “Best Friends with E.T.” How can you go wrong with that?

Due to an ordering snafu I wasn’t sure that my order had gone through, but after receiving an e-mail from the man himself, everything got worked out and just a few days later I received my new most prized possession — an autographed “E.T. and Me” CD!

With each purchase, you also get a signed copy of the original vinyl single. Double score!

Susan and the kids are already sick of hearing E.T. in the car, so HO HO just wait until she discovered the chorus of We Called Him E.T. is now my default ring tone!! My favorite part is the sound effect when E.T. makes a wish. PING!

Susan’s official statement: “You have lost your damn mind.” I think she’s just jealous because I went to school with a kid whose step-dad KNOWS E.T.

If you are interested in ordering autographed copies of E.T. and Me on both CD and vinyl, please e-mail twaynemusic@yahoo.com directly and he will hook you up. Let him know you read about it here and maybe E.T. himself will pay you a visit!*

(*Probably not though.)

5 comments to E.T. and Me — Together Again!

  • I’m wolfing down a bag of Reese’s Pieces in your honor right now.

    Well, okay, I was already wolfing it down when I read this, but it’s the thought that counts.

  • Mom

    Linda must have gotten a copy of the picture too, because I still have one autographed to her from Tom Wayne. Is it worth anything? I could sell it and she’d never know!

  • On the balance of it, though, is this any sillier than me ordering the ZOMG! Re-recorded-from-the-ground-up Pac-Man Fever CD about 10 years ago or so?

    Actually…yeah it is. Pac-Man made for a way better game than E.T. did.

  • Scott Cowan

    Did he perform the song at Shedeck or was it Myers? I remember purchasing my red vinyl copy from him at the old Wal-Mart location, where hastings is now. I also bought his other 45, but have no idea what was on it.

  • Rob

    I forgot about that performance! He must’ve performed it at Myers — by the time we got to Shedeck the ET craze was over. I have the other 45 as well; it’s on a white label and the title is “I’m Glad I Loved You (And I’d Do It Again)”. I don’t remember what’s on the B-side. I forgot to mention in my post that Wayne also sent me his latest CD which includes 13 patriotic songs. Great soundtrack for the 4th! Expect to hear the ET song at next month’s Nasty Pirates gathering.


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