On 9/11 I was …

It’s been eight years since the 9/11 terrorist attacks took place, and every year on September 11th I considered posting my memories of that day — where I was, what I experienced, etcetera. Unfortunately, considering where I work, I can’t. Not that I have any secret or inside information or anything like that — far from, in fact — but it would simply be bad form. My two self-imposed blogging rules (don’t talk poorly about family and don’t talk about work at all) have, for the most part, kept me out of trouble.

I still get choked up watching documentaries about that day. The contracting company I worked for at the time both lost employees working at the Pentagon, and flew employees out to help assist afterwards. Long ago I quit arguing with people who swear that the Pentagon was hit by a missile, as I personally know people who were standing outside on the grass and watched it happen.

So anyway … I’ve had people ask me in the past why I don’t talk more about 9/11, and that’s why. Just know that even if I’m not talking about it, I’m thinking about it.

6 comments to On 9/11 I was …

  • Peggy Putzbach

    I was up watching 9/11 youtubes into the night. What a thing. Soooo sad. It was interesting and heart wrenching to watch the amateur ones. They were real people, real scared.

  • Granny O'Hara

    Good morning my dear grand son. I was working at Chucks’ We had a real small tv. Chuck used to rest and watch the news and stock market. .Some one came flying into the officeThey are bombing us. No one belived it.Customers and all the help came ove over to that small tv. We just were in a state of shock., for that to be happening in our country. At first we thought that is was something thar was faked, But it was not. I will always rember that day forever….

  • To this day I’m not sure why, but the first thing I did was call and check up on my dad.

    Then I went to work for four days.

  • Bill Glenz

    This is a day I will never forget.. Had friends at the WTC who died there and others who were with NYPD and NYFD. Could look out office window and see Pentagon burn. During the next few weeks, came to work each day and see the Pentagon still burning. No Never Forget.. I do not mean that we should get even or get revenge.. People died that day for no reason, so many innocents, remember them.. and their familes..

  • 9/11 was a tragic day, yes. But I’m tired of seeing people well up sober faces, bowing their heads and pretending to pray or be saddened. Then the next minute talking about shoes or something. (this i just see in news anchors)

    I understand it was a historic day. Is it really so expected that we all put on such a display of emotion just to show respect or rememberence? I think a better way to honor the fallen is to do what it is that we do that makes this country great. We go to work, live the american dream, and such.

    I feel that we don’t need another day of rememberence. Don’t we have enough already? MLK day, JFK day, I don’t want this to be an offically endorsed day because then it loses it’s real impact. The attack impacted our day to day lives and made most of us think about what we were doing with our lives for once.

    If there is any day that should be remembered, it should be 9/12. The day when we all realized that we’re all vulnerable and were humbled.

    I was on my way to work when i heard bout the first plane hit. Then later on the radio at work we heard about the second. Then 30 minutes afterwards, the music stopped and an ABC audio feed replaced the usual music we would listen too. Throughout the day my co-workers talked about who would attack us. Everyone figured it was Saddam, I thought about the previous people that attacked it before.

    It’s funny how in a few months we realized all the dumb junk we “cared” about didn’t matter. And soon we were back to caring about stupid stuff again. During those few days we all realized what really mattered.

  • Susan

    I had taken my first trip to NYC in January 0f 2001 for work, and my mom had come along for the ride. We saw all the tourist stuff, the empire state, wall street, statue of liberty, broadway. We had tentative plans to have dinner at the top of the world – in the WTC. I was too pooped and we said we do it next time. Turns out there wouldn’t be a next time. My mom did have a friend take her there during the day and he insisted that she at least run up and touch the outside of one of the towers, and she did.

    On another note, that day was very scary for me. I work with Rob and we went home for the day after the pentagon had been attacked. Several of our coworkers were separated from their rides, and one of them came home with us. For some reason I remember being glued to the TV and we were all eating Doritos.

    The one thing I will always remember about this is that I was 8 months pregnant at the time and wondered what kind of world I was bringing another human into…


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