Nesting with Star Wars

Susan is good at “nesting” and has done a great job of making our new house feel more like a home. It is a skill that I do not possess. Susan can walk through a room and see where things should go. (“We need a mirror there, a table over there, and some flowers right here.”) Me? Every room I’m in charge of “decorating” looks like a Best Buy delivery van collided with a garbage truck, spilling trash and electronics all over the place. I simply don’t have the ability to look at an empty room and visualize what it “could” be.

One of my goals at the new house is to unbox my entire Star Wars collection and put it all out on display. It’s pretty simple logic, really; if I have toys sitting in boxes out in the garage, then no one is enjoying them and there’s no point in owning them. My new computer/server room is going to double as a display room. What doesn’t fit in that room, I’ll be getting rid of. I have no interest in simply storing toys in my garage for another 10+ years.

Over the weekend I set up three sets of shelves in the room. Formerly used for holding DVDs, the shelves have since been re-appropriated into toy displays: one for vintage (1977-1985) Star Wars figures, a second one for my newer (1996+) figures, with various other Star Wars collectibles on the third. In addition to those shelves I also have a large, black shelving unit that will hold toys, both Star Wars and not. I also have some white shelves that I added above the brown shelves. Sadly, all of these shelves combined will only be enough to display around 20% of my collection.

Mason’s eyes lit up when we opened the first box of Star Wars toys to put out on display. I forget that he’s never seen my complete Star Wars collection. I had most of it on display in our old house, but never unpacked it all at our last house. Mason was less than a year old when we moved last time, so he doesn’t remember any of it. Morgan’s never even seen any of it.

Slowly but surely, the shelves are filling up.

It’s almost a given that I will run out of wall space before I run out of Star Wars items to display. The only question at this point is, what will stay and what will go?

7 comments to Nesting with Star Wars

  • Crap. You’ve got the trash masher, I’ve got the rest of the Death Star. Looks like you’ve even got the one-eyed wonder worm* in there, now you just need a bunch of cut-up pieces of foam.

    * I probably should’ve waited until another nickname occurred to me

  • Rob

    I have the whole Death Star too, it’s just not out yet. I think the only thing I’m missing is the foam. ;)

  • Well crap. Someone out there’s gotta have my trash masher!

  • Rob

    You know what’s funny? I actually DO have a spare trash compactor! I owned the Death Star playset as a kid, but at some point it got thrown out and all I have left of it is the trash compactor. About three years ago, I picked up a Death Star, complete in the box. The next time we meet up, remind me and you can have one of them!

  • Pat Loisel

    You need to post the video clip of you emptying your Christmas stocking when you were 5 and it was filled with Star Wars figures (all 6 that were available at the time). Oh My Lord! lol

  • Fraze

    Dude!! I literally laughed out loud at; “looks like a Best Buy delivery van collided with a garbage truck”

    oh and nice job on the Star Wars setup, looks great!

  • Awesome! Now I just gotta figure out something for a trash monster, and keep it hidden from the cats, who keep running off with the boy’s tub toys. Nothing like finding a squirty dolphin full of water in the middle of the kitchen floor…

    I used to be a heathen and mix-and-match the new and old figures, and group them by “affiliation” (Rebels from the first movie, Rebels from Empire, bounty hunters, Cantina patrons, Stormtroopers, other Imperials, Ewoks…) in a bunch of shelves I had on the second floor of my loft apartment in Green Bay, when I was getting back into SW figure collecting just prior to Episode I. Sadly, I had no camera, digital or otherwise, with which to document this marvel of mass-produced plastic.


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